Murphy Appointed Treasurer of CRC’s Board of Directors
Murphy Appointed Treasurer of CRC’s Board of Directors

Congratulations to CRC Board member Kevin Murphy, president of Southwest Tennessee EMC in Brownsville, Tennessee, who was appointed Board treasurer by his fellow board members at their March 10, 2019, meeting in Orlando, Florida. Murphy, who has served on CRC’s Board of Directors for four years, replaces Steve Wattnem as Treasurer. Wattnem resigned from CRC’s Board of Directors in January 2019 when he retired as CEO of Cooperative Light & Power in Two Harbors, Minnesota, making him ineligible to serve on the Board.

“Steve has been an integral part of CRC’s board for nine years and we will miss him,” said Chris Holt, CRC’s president and CEO. “We appreciate his dedication and commitment to CRC and its Board of Directors over the years and wish him a long and enjoyable retirement.”

Wattnem’s seat on the Board will remain vacant until the CRC Board of Directors election in June 2019.

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