CRC Launches New Cloud-based Call Routing Platform

CRC recently launched a new innovative call routing platform designed to offer multiple benefits to its membership.

In October 2021, CRC made its final move away from utilizing a third-party routing provider to implementing CRC’s stand-alone call-routing platform. To make it work, CRC had to design and build the environment replacing all of the features and functionality already in use, while making it more customizable and easier for our team to manage. CRC’s goals were to reduce our own telecom costs, expand functionality, and have direct access and control to make real-time changes without depending on a third-party’s process.

CRC’s work began two years ago when it embarked on the project using Minnesota-based ConvergeOne for consultation, design, and implementation. The ConvergeOne solution utilizes redundant Equinix datacenters in Texas and Virginia to serve as its call-routing cloud.

The completed project enables a member utility’s call routing plans to utilize scheduling, overflow features, and menus with call distribution in the cloud, often replacing the local call-forwarding concept. With the new platform, a utility can be much-less concerned about capacity and redundancy at the local level. The only calls going through the utility’s phone system will be the calls that are actually handled there. Any calls that exceed capacity or need to go elsewhere are rerouted by features in the cloud platform.

The most commonly used menu (following the utility’s greeting) is as follows:

Press “1” to report an outage

• Either routes to CRC 24/7 or to the utility and to CRC based upon time/day schedule. Overflow to CRC is automated when utility exceeds capacity.

Press “2” for billing automation and payments

• Routes to a CRC billing IVR or third party-hosted billing IVR.

Press “3” for all other calls

• Routes to the utility based upon time/day schedule, with automated overflow to CRC.

Another common option is to send broadband/internet calls to a third party service provider. Every utility’s routing scheme is customized including options, voice prompts, routing, schedule, etc. The solution is low cost and simple to build and, in some cases, reduces cost for the utility by minimizing the call-handling infrastructure needed locally.

For more information of CRC’s call routing features, please contact Dan Otteson, senior regional business manager, at


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