CRC is honored to announce that Laura Beavers, member solutions and support manager, was selected as the first-ever recipient of CRC's Leader of the Year award for 2024.
Austin, Minn. – CRC is pleased to announce that David Kilpatrick has joined the company as its new regional business manager for its southern territory.
January finished up with the big news that Shayla Hastings, lead quality coordinator at the Austin Center, was named CRC's January 2024 Employee of the Month!
We’re all familiar with how technology has advanced the way people complete day-today tasks. Smartphones, smart appliances, and artificial intelligence technology have infiltrated our lives – for better or for worse – to assist us with managing our daily to-dos.
Cooperative Response Center, Inc. (CRC) is known as an industry leader with regard to assisting electric utilities across the nation with their consumer call handling needs.
This information is being provided from the perspective of Cooperative Response Center, Inc. (CRC), a contact (call) center offering call handling and crew dispatch services to 350 utilities, most of which serve between 5,000 and 100,000 meters.
As partners in providing your consumers with the best possible customer service, it’s imperative to work together to enhance their outage reporting experience as much as possible.