NRECA TECHADVANTAGE EXPERIENCE BREAKOUT SESSION: Hosted Call Routing, Avoid the Pitfalls of Managing Call Traffic Locally

Tuesday, March 8, 2022 | 11:00 a.m. CST | Room 205C

Make sure to mark your calendars to attend CRC's session during the NRECA TechAdvantage Experience: 'Hosted Call Routing, Avoid the Pitfalls of Managing Call Traffic Locally' presented by Dan Otteson, CRC's regional business manager, and Bud Booth, engineering applications manager at Rock Energy Cooperative in Wisconsin.

CRC recently launched a new innovative call routing platform designed to offer multiple benefits to its membership. The new platform enables a member utility's call routing plans to utilize scheduling, overflow features and menus with call distribution in the cloud, often replacing the local call-forwarding concept. With the new platform, a utility can be much-less concerned about capacity and redundancy at the local level. The only calls going through the utility's phone system will be the calls that are actually handled there. Any calls that exceed capacity or need to go elsewhere are rerouted by features in the cloud platform. Every utility's routing scheme is customized including options, voice prompts, routing, schedule, etc. The solution is low cost and simple to build and, in some cases, reduces cost for the utility by minimizing call-handling infrastructure needed locally.

Attend this presentation during the TechAdvantage Experience to learn more in depth how this platform can work for your organization!

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